Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More Cool Classes

Last weekend I had the opportunity to take another really fun course.  This one was Ruby Programming for Information Security Professionals, offered by Marcus Carey at (

It dovetailed very nicely with the Penetration Testing courses I took from Georgia Weidman earlier this summer.  Georgia's courses provided an accelerated introduction to using Metasploit (and some other pentesting tools).

With Georgia's classes under your belt, Marcus' Ruby class gives you one of the tools you need to take using Metasploit to the next level.  Since Metasploit modules (and Metasploit itself) are written in Ruby, Marcus' class gives you the introduction to Ruby that you need to start writing Metasploit modules.  And even if you're not itching to write an exploit module just yet, he teaches more than enough to let you read and understand Metasploit modules - which is itself a very powerful capability.

About 2/3 of the class is spent in an introduction to Ruby, starting with using the irb interactive Ruby environment, and moving on to the basics of the language.  Ruby turns out to be a delightful language and a pleasure to learn.  Marcus takes the class through the basics of the language using lots of hands-on examples, so it never gets boring.   After we've learned enough Ruby to be "dangerous", we finish off this part of the course writing some quick examples doing things like parsing json, accessing a web site, and making DNS queries.  What fun!

However, the last 1/3 of the class is the real pay-off.   That's when we start writing a Metasploit module.  The module utilizes some of the code we'd already written, and does a simple DNS reconnaissance of a selected domain.   Utilizing a template provided by Marcus, we go through the basics of producing a module which can be integrated into Metasploit.

As with the classes I took from Georgia Weidman, the class it taught via a live webinar.  It's easy to ask questions, and Marcus is very responsive and attentive to his students.  He teaches the class assuming that you're either running Ruby and Metasploit directly, or that you're running Kali.  The only "attacks" are really just accessing public DNS and web sites, so there's no need to provide sacrificial VMs for us to attack.  He provides a written outline for the class, which is very helpful as you work along with him through the examples.  After the class, he provides a video of the webinar, so you can review the class in detail.  Overall, the class is presented in an organized, interesting and professional manner.

As with Georgia's classes, this class is an incredible deal at $125 for the day long class.  If you'd like to read my rant about the cost of training, go back to my review of Georgia's class - which along with Marcus' class, is an example of what our community needs more of.

Since I've taken the class, I've been on an orgy of coding up a module for Metasploit.  It's been a long time since I've been so enthused about a project that I've gone into sleep-deprivation mode to work on it. :-)  I have Marcus to thank for that!

Anyway, here's the bottom line.  Ruby Programming for Information Security Professionals, taught by Marcus Carey is an awesome course.

This class is for you if you have some programming knowledge, but don't know Ruby and want to jump into writing Metasploit modules.  Yes, you can RTFM.  But for a relatively little bit of money, and 8 hours of your time, you can really jump-start the process and go from zero to writing a Metasploit module by the end of the day.  Of course, there's a ton about both Ruby and Metasploit that he doesn't have time to cover, but you will have enough that you can move forward by writing code ... not by just reading about writing code.

Combine this with Georgia's classes (take them first), and you'll be well on your way to being a very competent Metasploiter  (is that a word :-)

BTW, a little while ago I finally looked at Python ... and fell in love.  I've been studying it since then, with the intention of abandoning Perl for Python.  But I have to admit, Ruby really appeals to me and I'm wondering if I may just abandon Python and do all my programming in Ruby. Does that make me a fickle person? :-)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Phew! Finally Recovering from DEFCON

This was the second year that I've attended DECON "on my own dime", after a gap of about 9 years when I wasn't able to attend.

Last year, my first time back in 8 years or so, I think I was in a state of shock throughout most of the weekend.  Everything had grown so big - with 15,000 folks attending there was a line for almost everything even remotely popular.  But, if you scratched beneath the surface it was still the same DEFCON as before ... with the same passion for playing with anything that couldn't run away, just 15 times bigger and with a slightly more corporate veneer.

This year, I was a bit more prepared.  There were still long lines everywhere - and for some talks the room filled up before everyone who wanted to attend got in.  But with some planning and flexibility, it was a hugely rewarding DEFCON.

What were the high points for me this year?

This year they released the official DEFCON documentary, which was mostly filmed at last year's event.  The documentary explains what DEFCON is about and shows the history of DEFCON.  It's not bad; I learned a good bit about the early history of DEFCON.  It does a really good job of capturing some of the "hacker ethic" which is what makes DEFCON so great.  It also gives a good view into the core group which runs DEFCON every year.  On the con (sorry!) side, it is a bit of a self absorbed love-fest.  Apparently the documentary was funded by Dark Tangent (Jeff Moss, the person who runs DEFCON every year.), so it shouldn't be a big surprise that only the good side made it out of the cutting room.  But again, I recommend it.  They're giving it away for free, it's up on You Tube and lots of other places:

I got a huge kick out of the car hacking talks.  Tuners have been hacking auto ECUs for years, figuring out how to rewrite the tuning tables to make car perform better.  My last track car, a Mazda Miata had a third party ECU which completely replaced the Mazda unit, allowing a huge range of custom engine tuning options.  But now cars are so much more like regular computing platforms, and are so much more computerized, they're become really interesting to the hacking community in general.  Insead of just controlling the engine, now virtually every aspect of a car is controlled by a network of computers.  Think about it, if you drive a car with an auto parallel-parking feature, there's a computer driving your car when it parks for you.  Same thing with the crash avoidance, or cruise control that maintains a safe distance from the car in front if you.  So, hacking cars has become a lot more interesting than just tweaking ECUs to run less engine timing.  They didn't talk about it here, but others have been looking at compromising a car's internal network remotely (such as via Bluetooth).  I can't wait to see these threads of work combined.  Here's one video showing some of what they've done: Here's the paper describing their work and open source tools:  Yes, I said tools - you too can jack into your car's OBD-II port and start injecting traffic onto your car's shared network. :-)

I attended the "Policy Wonk Lounge" which turned out to be a very a un-DEFCON like event.  It was an  informal opportunity for attendees to meet with some relatively high level DC .gov and .mil insiders.  It was also the only event where there was an obvious core of press attending, and it was the first time I've ever been to a meeting which was formally "off the record".   Not surprisingly (to me at least), the DC folks were reasonable, thoughtful folks who really try to do the right thing.  Nothing earth shattering was decided or revealed, but it was really useful to have an open discussion.  Here's the basic description:

Speaking of the Policy Wonk Lounge, this was the year that "Feds" were uninvited to DEFCON in response to the NSA domestic spying issue.  I was wondering just how that would all go down ... and as near as I can tell the big impact was that the NSA didn't have a recruiting table in the vendor room (they had one there last year) or explicitly public talks.  I was pleased that the spirit of tolerance which I always considered a DEFCON hallmark still lived.  There are clearly some sharp political differences between DEFCON attendees, but I personally never saw (or heard) of it becoming an issue.

Remember Pentoo?  It's a Linux distribution focused on penetration testing.  I personally hadn't played with it in awhile, and haven't really thought about it recently.  The hot pentesting distribution for the past couple of year has been Kali (nee BackTrack.) But several talks made a point of mentioning that Pentoo still exists, and *some* people like it better than Kali.  The cool thing about Pentoo is that it's being maintained, provides a high quality alternative to Kali (i.e. a different set of tools to consider) and is based on the Gentoo Linux distribution.  That's what's really great about a conference like DEFCON, you can often read the paper a presenter had written on some topic, but when you attend the talk and the Q&A afterwards, you often pick up all sorts of gems.

Another thing that made me smile: In the hardware hacking area there were a few 3-D printers set up.  One guy had a hacked Kinnect, and was using it make and give out 3-D scans of folks (essentially a scan of your head.) You could use the scan to print a sculpture of your head on a 3-D printer. Imagine what DEFCON attendees will be showing us with those in a few years!  In fact, a photo-copy shop a block from my house just installed a 3-D printer, we live in interesting times!

I'm already excited about next year at DEFCON ...