Thursday, May 16, 2013

Another adaptation to enhance our survival :-)

Below's a nice little note which points out that since some malware tries to evade analysis by detecting when it's running in a "lab" environment, you can "immunize" your systems by making them look like a lab.

In this case, they provide a tool which makes a few simple changes to your system and runs a few programs to simulate running under VMware.  Cute, but of course soon enough the attackers will just evolve more sophisticated ways to detect when their code is really being examined.

This is the same sort of strategy used by some animals in nature.  If you appear to be something dangerous, predators will leave you alone.  Technically, this is known as Batasian Mimicy (

One interesting aspect of Batasian Mimicy is that even "poor" mimics derive a benefit - it will be interesting to see if that observation holds true in the online contest between hunter and prey.  :-)

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